Thursday, June 12, 2008

Eco Damage and Health - Text

Friends of nature...

I have created an Infomural (or you can call it as a Mind-Map or anything) of the Eco-system and the damage that we are causing through our unmindful actions and its direct impact on our health and the economy (such as food shortage /water shortage /agri land depletion) in simple terms. This Infomural does not so much refer on "Global Warming" or "Climate Change" or "Carbon Footprint" etc., though there is one reference...

Though I tend to believe "Global Warming" is a phenomenon thats happening but there has been a lot of controversy on this subject as many scientists are against the doomsday theories. But we don't need scientists or experts to confirm that due to pollution the Air that we breath has become toxic and the Water is contaminated and the land that is become unsuitable for cultivation...

This Infomural is all about such damages how they all add up to causing great damage directly and indirectly to our health. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO USE THIS WHEREVER YOU WANT TO...

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